Mobile Advertising & Brand Engagement Wintersemester 2023/24
Mobile Advertising & Brand Engangement WS 2023/24
Lehrveranstaltung 224460a Mobile Advertising & Brand Engagement
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Scheible
Mobile Advertising & Brand Engagement
What is this lecture about?
Designing and prototyping of a mobile app for brand engagement purposes; concept design (learn how to make it); Prototype in HTML, CSS or XD … (learn how to do it).
Learning goals:
Understand how Adver1sing in Mobile Apps work (principles, types of content). Get to know App business models, App Mone1za1on. Understand the basics of Mobile App-marke1ng. Learn how to make a concept design for a Mobile App. Learn how to prototype a simple mobile web app.
Final project task:
1. Create a Mobile App based on your own idea. Apps should: fulfill a real user need, provide interes1ng user interac1on and has something to do with buying/marke1ng/adver1sing.
2. Create a PDF document about the concept design of your app
3. Create a short video about the app (walktrough video)
Learning goals:
Understand how Advertising in Mobile Apps works (principles, types of content). Get to know App business models, App Monetization. Understand the basics of Mobile App-marketing. Learn how to make a concept design for a Mobile App. Learn how to prototype a simple mobile web app.
Work tasks:
1. Create a Mobile App based on your own idea. Apps should: fulfill a real user need, provide interesting user interaction and has something to do with buying/marketing/advertising.
2. Create a PDF document about the concept design of your app
3. Create a short video about the app (walktrough video)
Individual solution:
“Evergift” is revolutionizing the way gifts are given and received.
The app combines a wide range of high-quality gifts, which are delivered within minutes, with the ability to create and share wishlists. The app is for all those who want to get the perfect gift for their loved ones at short notice. We connect people through the art of gift-giving. Our app makes it possible to order first-class gifts in the shortest possible time and have them wrapped in a personalized way. We create incomparable experiences and strengthen the bonds between friends and family.
Studentisches Team, Semesterstufen 6, 7, 8:
Lorena Schöllhorn, Madeleine Müller, Lara Haller, Lara Kampa
Weitere Projekte aus dem Studiengang Werbung und Marktkommunikation.